Structure and dynamics of development of children's tourism on the example of Primorsky Krai

  • Олейникова Илона Сергеевна

    Ilona S. Mikhina.Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Alexandra D. Gerbersgagina

    Alexandra D. Gerbersgagina. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


There is an increase in the popularity of children's tourism among the population of the Russian Federation. This type of tourism gets government support and has development potential in Primorsky Krai, and in the near future it may become one of the most popular types of tourism in the region. The purpose of the work is to assess the structure and dynamics of the development of children's tourism in the Primorsky Territory. In order to achieve the designated goal, the tasks necessary for its solution were specified. The scientific basis of the study was the systematization of the conceptual apparatus of children's tourism and the clarification of its classification. In the course of the work, the current state of children's tourism in the Primorsky Territory was analyzed and its main problems and development trends were iden-
tified. The theoretical part of the research was based on such methods of scientific cognition as system analysis, comparison, induction and deduction, as well as methods of classification, abstraction and concretization. The results of the study were the clarification of the concept of "children's tourism", the development of its classification, as well as some recommendations for strengthening support from the govern-
ment for the development of children's tourism.
Keywords: tourism, domestic tourism, children's tourism, children's recreation, children's camp, excursion, tourist product, Russian Federation, Primorsky Krai.